A disease is a specific pathological condition that adversely affects the functioning or structure of any or a portion of an organ, and this is not caused by any direct external injury to the affected area. Diseases are commonly referred to as medical conditions which are generally associated with certain recognizable clinical symptoms. In addition, they may result in damage to major organs. A well-researched definition of the term disease includes the admission of the existence of a specific pathological condition causing the harm or death of a human being. It also includes the fact that the harms inflicted are usually irreversible.
While all diseases have both preventative and curative qualities, there are some diseases that are communicable or infectious, and treatable or curable, though not curable. Some communicable diseases occur through contact, such as through unhygienic conditions, blood, and sexual intercourse. Noncommunicable diseases on the other hand, do not transpire through any type of communicative activity, but are caused by genetic abnormalities, immune deficiency, and tumors. A notable feature of communicable diseases is that they can easily be spread among a population of a large magnitude, or within a geographically separated community. The most common of noncommunicable diseases is influenza and its associated complications.
These diseases are enveloped in bacteria, viruses, and fungi. There are different types of viruses including retroviruses, bacterium, and fungi. Normally, all these pathogens exist in their normal proportions, but sometimes they cause diseases when they multiply. Most commonly, these diseases are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or one of its supporting strains. These infectious diseases occur in two forms, one is transmittable and the other is contagious.
Transmittable diseases are known as those that can be transmitted from one individual to another. Some of the common ones include: hepatitis B and C, HIV/AIDS, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and toxoplasmosis are some of the major causes for infectious diseases. While contagious diseases are not transmittable, they may become so through the exposure of the susceptible person to the communicable germs or microorganisms through physical contact. Physical contact, such as touching an object that has been touched, sharing utensils, and kissing other individuals are common ways of spreading germs. Touching the nose or mouth is also likely to transmit germs.
The other form of non-communicable disease is the non-infectious disease. These are caused by agents that cannot be transmitted via physical contact. Common examples of such agents include: diabetes, cancer, heart disease, lung disease, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, and arthritis. As expected, those who suffer from cardiovascular disease are more likely to become victims of non-infectious disease. People with Alzheimer’s and Macular Degeneration are also at greater risk of contracting non-infectious disease than the others.
It is important to note that although diseases like AIDS and Cancer are highly communicable, the threat they pose does not extend to the general population. Though these diseases do affect the older generation, they do not affect the general population in the same way that communicable diseases do. Thus, if a person is diagnosed with a communicable disease, he or she should get the necessary tests done to determine what kind of disease he or she may be suffering from. By doing so, the person will be able to make the appropriate decision on how to proceed with his or her health.