Medicine is the science and discipline of treating a patient effectively managing the entire diagnosis, prognosis, diagnosis, therapy or recovery of the patient. Medicine covers a wide range of medical specialties developed to preserve and restore health by the appropriate treatment and prevention of disease. A doctor can specialize inContinue Reading

A disease is an abnormal state that negatively impacts the structure or functioning of a part or all of the organisms, and which is not caused by any direct external injury to the organism. Most diseases are known to be associated with certain recognizable signs and symptoms, which may indicateContinue Reading

Medicine is an art, science, and discipline of treating a patient with the intention of helping them recover from their ailment or injury and also dealing with the management of the entire diagnosis, prognosis, treatment or rehabilitation of the injury or illness. Medicine covers a wide variety of medical practicesContinue Reading

Medicine is the study, art, and science of treating a patient in the medical arena and caring for his or her ailment. Medicine covers a wide range of medical practices developed to keep and restore good health by the preventative and therapeutic treatment or palliation of disease. It includes theContinue Reading

Medicine is an art, science, and discipline of treating a patient with a view toward restoring health and treating the ailment, the outcome, prevention or cure of the patient. Medicine encompasses a wide variety of medical practices developed over time to keep and restore total health by the effective preventionContinue Reading

Medicine is the science, art, and discipline of treating a patient with a diagnosis, treatment, prevention or palliation of his disease or injury and caring for his well-being. Medicine encompasses various medical practices developed to keep and restore healthy health by the prevention or treatment of disease. It includes diagnosis,Continue Reading