Beauty is defined as an aesthetic quality of objects which makes these objects enjoyable to see. These objects can be natural like sunsets or landscapes, human works of art and beauty, and other objects. Beauty, along with beauty and taste, is perhaps the most important area of aesthetics, among the various branches of applied philosophy. philosophers who specialize in aesthetics have continually debated what constitutes beauty.
According to the early twentieth century aesthetician Alfred Svanberg, “Beauty is not a sense at all, but a mood, an attitude, a mode of apprehension.” He goes on to say, “There is something more precious than a picture that has some inner force and power behind it… Beauty is that which seems to come nearer to the ideal, that which may be more closely related to the motives of love.” However, the early twentieth century continued to debate the issue of beauty. philosopher Vilas Machado considered beauty to be “the visual delight in the object”. Other philosophers, such as Leo Tolstoy, viewed beauty as an imperative while many philosophers including Peter Van Gogh disagreed entirely.
In general, beauty – whether seen in nature or in the work of art – is the subjective idea or desire of being beautified. The word beauty has various different interpretations in different cultures. It can meaneness, simplicity, serenity, goodness, genuineness, and fecundity. In some cultures, beauty encompasses all of these qualities while in others, it denotes particular attributes. Beauty is also considered to be subjective because each person chooses to value beauty differently.
For example, in China beauty – even ugly or unpleasant things – are revered; in Japan beauty consists of very simple things like flowers; in European culture’s beauty is associated with the arts and music, while in many Asian societies beauty – especially the physical form – is seen as a source of shame. In modern times, the term beauty is often used to describe a physical trait like a beautiful face or body. However, beauty is a highly subjective idea and can be applied to a wide variety of cultural behaviors and traits. For example, while some may value beauty in appearance so much that they go to extremes by actually undergoing cosmetic surgery, other people only value beauty so much that they avoid interacting with the world in any way.
Some argue that beauty is only a quality in the eye of the beholder. Others say beauty is determined primarily by genetic predisposition and culture. Still others believe that beauty is a conscious effort to create a desirable public image. For example, many classical musicians were not born with their attractive voices nor were famous poets not born with beautiful penmanship. In fact, many famous musicians and poets did not start to realize their beauty until they reached adulthood. Their conscious realization of beauty began during their childhood years and matured over the course of their adult life.
Beauty is an essential part of human life and is often associated with a feeling of psychological and physical attraction to objects. This is why beauty is often used in advertising: if a product or service seems to have beauty about it, then it will probably be perceived as being attractive to the majority of people. Beauty is therefore not only subjective but also dependent on culture, ethnicity, religion, and age. Thus, beauty – which can also be defined as the ability to identify with and appreciate beauty – is very subjective, and there are no hard rules to define it.